
Land access

Land Information NZ

Sep 24, 2005 A website to keep an eye on Read more

Muriwai Beach access

Jul 08, 2005 Rodney District Council review coming. Keep your eyes open! Read more

Is DOC following the rules on old roads, are they not our heritage?

Dec 10, 2004 The Department of Conservation is a member of ICOMOS and bound by it's philosophy - surely old roads are our heritage too? Read more

Environment Court - a win for four wheeling!

Apr 10, 2003 ARAC have won their fight against the closure of a paper road in upper hutt, well done. Read more

US Collaboration case studies

Sep 15, 2005 A document well worth reading for anyone involved with land access issues. Read more

Seasonal closures

Jun 23, 2005 Some routes have closures in place Read more

Get access to the Department of Conservation mapping

Feb 29, 2004 Now you can check DOC boundaries, tracks, and a myriad of other items straight off the Department of Conservation web site. Read more

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