
Muriwai Beach access

July 08, 2005

A message sent from Geoff Ward, Resource Adviser for Rodney District Council, to a few NZFWDA members:


Thank you for your enquiry about the review of the Rodney District Council General Bylaw. Drafting of changes to the 6 bylaws under review has yet to be completed. It is expected the agenda Item will be available on the website by 16th July.

The full set of current bylaws can be seen on the Couuncil's website

At the present time controls on vehicles on beaches are contained in Chapter 12, Public Places, Clauses 2 (j) and 4 (c). These rules although applying to beaches generally are unclear.

All those consulted to date agree that as a general rule vehicular access to most beaches is undesirable for public safety, environmental and ecological reasons, to protect dune formations and shell fish etc., and vehicles should continue to have restricted access to beaches. However provision needs to be made for beach access either on certain beaches or under certain circumstances.

The draft proposed changes move the matter from the "Public places" Chapter 12, to Chapter 14, "Road and traffic control and numbering of premises", Clause 4.1 [f] . This covers the above issues and states:

"No person shall, without the written permission of the Council or an Authorised Officer, or as indicated by signs, or as otherwise legally permitted:

(c) stop a vehicle on any part of a boat launching ramp or its approaches longer than necessary to launch or recover a boat

(d) take any vehicle on to a beach except by the most direct route to launch or recover a boat".

The exisitng beach access arrangements for vehicles on Muriwai beach for instance will not be affected by these provisions.

The Bylaws have yet to be put out for public consultation which will occur at the end of July .Submissions will not close until 2nd.September 2005. The Council would be pleased to hear from you.

I hope this infirmation answers your queries.


Geoff Ward
Resource Adviser


Another message from Geoff Ward to Brian Haybittle:

Mr Haybittle,

Thank you for your enquiry about vehicular access to Muriwai Beach. There is no intention of the Council suggesting any limitation to the existing arrangements for vehicles on Muriwai beach north of the Okoritoto Stream.

Generally vehicles have always been restricted particularly on popular beaches where there is a risk to public safety and environmental or risks to the eco system such as dune or shellfish damage or threat to wildlife.

The purpose of the proposed changes are to clarify the position. Provision is being made for existing or other legal access to be maintained as is access permitted by signposting.

The draft bylaws will be on the Council's website by 16th July.

The public consultation period will run from 29/7/05 to 2nd September 2005 and will be publicy notified and on the web.

I hope these comments help.


Geoff Ward
Resource Adviser

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