
Media / Press

Proposed track closures due to Kauri Die Back

Jul 12, 2018 DOC is seeking public input on a new proposal to close various tracks in the kauri region to help prevent the spread of kauri dieback disease. Read more

Valley 4wd Club and NZFWDA Convicted and Fined for Deadwood Safari

Dec 13, 2019 Damage to the environment during the 2018 Deadwood Safari has resulted in the Valley 4wd Club and the NZFWDA being convicted of offences under the Resource Management Act, with significant fines. The Judge wants to get the message across that all 4wd clubs and members must pay attention to potential impacts on the environment. Read more

Wild NZ: Four-Wheeling Fun!

Dec 21, 2017 Grapevine Magazine article.... " If you’ve got a hankering to see what your truck can really do, there is a way you can satisfy your curiosity. And satisfy it in a way that’s safe for you and your occupants, safe for your vehicle, and safe from the potential embarrassment of getting stuck on your back lawn as you attempt four-wheeling for the first time. Enter the four-wheel-drive club …" Read more

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