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Superwinch Challenge

Bobbie Kincaid

February 24, 2018 8:32:19 PM

The Marlborough 4x4 club will be holding their section of the Superwinch Challenge at Maruia over Queens Birthday weekend starting on the 1st to 3rd June 2018.

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Bobbie Kincaid

November 15, 2017 10:19:08 PM

South Waikato 4 Wheel Drive Club are hosing a fundraiser, fun day consisting of 20 hazards. Waimakariri Road, Tapapa – Tirau. Drivers Briefing 8.30am. There will be a sausage sizzle, donation buckets and a raffle, all proceeds will be donated to Canteen.

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SuperWinch Teams Challenge 2012

Peter Vahry

March 23, 2012 9:40:11 PM

SuperWinch Teams Challenge Easter 2012 - 24 hours teams endurance event

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Sheffield Mud Plug

Jeremy Walker

May 09, 2011 1:55:10 PM

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Southern Zone AGM

Peter Vahry

April 07, 2011 10:21:42 PM

6th - 8th May in the Lake Coleridge area. It isn't all meetings - the host club Mid-Canterbury 4WD Club have also organised some 4WD trips as part of the weekend.

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Superwinch Winch Challenge

Peter Vahry

January 24, 2011 8:45:51 PM

Superwinch Winch Challenge over Easter Weekend and being held in the Helensville area, north of Auckland. More detail to come.

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Sydney 4WD Adventure Show

Peter Vahry

June 15, 2010 8:57:12 PM

Opening Times 9.00am to 5.00pm Entry Tickets $10 per adults, Accompanied Children under 16 FREE, and Pension and Senior Card Holders $8 It is with much pleasure and anticipation that Four Wheel Drive NSW & ACT inc introduces the first Sydney 4WD Adventure Show, a show that will become an important feature of this great city's and of NSW annual events calendar.