NZFWDA competition events

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Bobbie Kincaid

September 28, 2017 8:44:17 PM

10-11 November. More information here

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Bobbie Kincaid

September 28, 2017 8:40:25 PM

13 - 14 October 2017 in Dunedin. More information:

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Mainland Winch Challenge Series Round 2

Bobbie Kincaid

May 31, 2017 12:50:38 PM

Mainland Winch Challenge Series - Round Two. Maruia. For Series entry forms and updated 2017 Rule Book email Vicky.

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Mainland Superwinch Series - Round 6

Bobbie Kincaid

June 29, 2016 10:41:11 AM

Ceder Creek, Dunedin. Friday night stages, Saturday day stages. For more information email

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Mainland Superwinch Series - Round 5

Bobbie Kincaid

June 29, 2016 10:39:52 AM

Timaru. Friday night stages, Saturday day stages. For more information email

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Mainland Superwinch Series - Round 4

Bobbie Kincaid

June 29, 2016 10:38:35 AM

Richmond, Nelson. Sunday 10 day stages. For more information email

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Mainland Superwinch Series - Round 3

Bobbie Kincaid

June 29, 2016 10:34:37 AM

Mt Riley Farm, Blenheim. Friday night stages, Saturday day stages. For more information email

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Mainland Superwinch Series - Round 2

Bobbie Kincaid

June 29, 2016 10:32:25 AM

Christchurch. For more information email

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Manukau Winch Challenge 2011

Peter Vahry

July 26, 2011 5:27:53 PM

Racing on October 8th and 9th at Onewhero. Club, Challenge & Modified classes. Rugby Club for HQ and camping is confirmed. More detail to come

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Manukau Winch Challenge 2010

Peter Vahry

April 22, 2010 10:44:50 PM

9 & 10 October 2010