NZFWDA competition events

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Title: The Kiwi 4X4 Challenge

Author: Jeremy Walker

Date: March 02, 2010 4:10:50 PM or Tue, 02 March 2010 16:10:50

Summary: Rallywoods 4X4 park (near Lower Hutt) Queens Birthday Weekend. Teams of 3 or 4 for trucks with 1 driver and navigator each (till confirmed, at least one driver on the team must be a NZ4WDA member) Cost, $90 per truck. Vehicles must have selectable low range, 4X4, mud tires or similar, rated tow hooks front and rear. Recommend at least 1 winch per team. Minimum 3 point seat-belts and helmets (no bicycle helmets) for driver and navigator are mandatory.



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Title: Kiwi 4X4 Challenge

Start: June 5, 2010
Duration: all day.
Event recurs every: 2day(s), until June 6, 2010.