
DOC CMS consultation list

March 30, 2008

The Department of Conservation have supplied a list of consultations for the CMS process and their position as of April 2008.

It is vital that all four wheelers show an interest in this process as it will dictate whether 4x4 recreation will be allowed on the public land under the DOC banner.

Bay Of Plenty CMS

Public Notification occurred 10 March 2008. Submissions close 9 May 2008 4.30pm.
This is the first of the 2nd generation CMSs to be notified. You are encouraged to have a look at and see what you think, as it may set the framework for what content could be in other CMSs to follow. Mark Davies
Ph. 07 349 7408 Bay of Plenty Conservation Management Strategy review

Waikato CMS

This CMS review is well underway.
The conservancy is presently seeking feedback on a preliminary draft. Comments are due by the 16th April 2008, 4.30pm. You need to request a copy from the conservancy or by using the following email:
CMS Open days are being held in the following venues

  • Te Kuiti, Thursday 27 March 2-6pm Maniapoto Campus of Te Wananga o Aotearoa, Cnr of Alexander and Taupiri Streets.
  • Hamilton, Monday 31 March 4-8pm Hamilton Gardens, Chartwell Room.
  • Thames, Wednesday 2 April 2-6pm Thames Civic Centre, 200 Mary St, Thames

This is informal consultation, so please make the most of the opportunity to let the conservancy know your views on their ideas. Matt Vare
Ph. 07 858 1045 Waikato Conservation Management Strategy review

East Coast/Hawkes Bay CMS

This conservancy is presently reviewing their CMS. The work to date has focused on internal consultation. They are expecting to notify the CMS later in the year. At this stage external consultation is likely to be very focused with key stakeholders.
There may also be an amendment undertaken to the Te Urewera National Park plan regarding mountain biking in conjunction with this process.
Public notification for formal submission is expected towards the end of this year.
Should you wish to be involved please contact the conservancy Amber Dunn
Ph. 06 869 0478

Northland CMS

The conservancy is very busy undertaking consultation. They have a lot planned and some innovative ways for seeking public engagement.
I encourage you to look at the attached weblink to see what is on offer. It includes:

  • Workshops and hui
  • On-line public forum
  • A survey to find out what people think the CMS should say

This consultation will continue until June 08. They are expecting to notify for public submission later in the year. Piet Nieuwland
Ph. 09 470 3326
Sioux Campbell - re consultation process

general email of process -
Northland Conservation Management Strategy review

Auckland CMS

The review of this CMS is well underway as well. Early targeted consultation is occurring at present. Should you wish to be involved please contact the conservancy.
On the DoC website you will find up to date information including Fact Sheets on what the conservancy is doing.
Formal notification for public submission is intended for Sept/Oct 2008. Rebecca Rush
Ph. 09 3074853 Auckland Conservation Management Strategy review

Stewart Island/Rakiura CMS

This process is being done in conjunction with the preparation of the Rakiura National Park management plan.
Extensive consultation has occurred on this process and is on-going.
It is expected to be notified for public submission mid 2008.
The DoC website has lots of information on what has happened to date and how you can get involved, including:

  • Fact sheets regularly updated
  • Notes from various workshops held and public discussion documents Anke de Jong
Ph. 03 2112491
Peter Wilson
Ph. 03 2112459 Stewart Island/Rakiura National Park Management Plan preparation

Wanganui CMS

Initial consultation is underway for this CMS as well.
The conservancy has a variety of information sheets and is also seeking feedback through a questionnaire which can be found on the DoC website. This is a good opportunity to get involved early in a consultation process.
Notification for public submission is expected in August 2009. Peter Morton
Ph. 06 3492135 Wanganui Conservation Management Strategy review

Wellington CMS

This review is in its very early stages. Consultation is yet to start. Emily Greenberg
Ph. 04 470 8423

Canterbury CMS

Canterbury conservancy is in its very early stages of consultation. Poma Palmer.
Ph. 03 371 3745

Chatham Islands CMS

This review is in its very early stages. Consultation is yet to start. Jeff Flavell (Conservation Support Manager)
Ph. 04 470 8406

Otago CMS

The review of this CMS is expected to start towards the end of this year. Bronwyn Hunt
Ph. 03 4402288

Mainland Southland/ West Otago CMS

The review of this CMS is expected to start towards the end of this year. Anke de Jong

Subantarctic Islands CMS

The review of this CMS is expected to start towards the end of this year. Anke de Jong

Nelson/ Marlborough CMS

This review is in its very early stages. Consultation is yet to start. Katherine Hughes
Ph. 03 546 3164

Tongariro-Taupo CMS

No action. This CMS is not due for review for 3-4 years.

National Park Management plans

National Park Action Contact Weblink
Abel Tasman National Park Management Plan 1986-1996 - Review This is presently with the New Zealand Conservation Authority (NZCA) for approval Katherine Hughes

Westland National Park Management Plan 2001-2011 - Amendment Proposed amendment publicly notified on 18th August 2007 (re: proposed dual walkway/cycleway from State Highway to car parking areas at Franz and Fox glaciers).
This is presently with the NZCA for approval.
Campbell Robertson

Whanganui National Park Management Plan - March 1989-1999 - Review Presently under review.
It is still to be forwarded to the Conservation Board for their consideration.
Key consultative processes have been concluded. Peter Morton

Mt Aspiring National Park Management Plan 1994-2004 - Review Extensive consultation presently underway.
Should you be interested in Mt Aspiring this would be the time to contact the conservancy. Bronwyn Hunt

Kahurangi National Park Management Plan 2001-2011 - Partial review The first formal round of consultation has occurred with this partial plan review, however, it is not too late to be involved.
Notification for public submission has not occurred yet. Katherine Hughes

Rakiura National Park Management Plan Refer to comments on Rakiura CMS review Stewart Island/Rakiura National Park Management Plan preparation

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