Pisa Range in Otago
March 11, 2008
"The intent of this document is to ultimately provide for better management of vehicle access to and through the Pisa Conservation Area and any feedback will also be used in the Otago Conservation Management Strategy review process, due to commence within the next year or so."
DOC have extended the submission period to 25th April
The contact at DOC is Paul Hellebrekers, PO Box 93 Wanaka 9343
This document is only available from DOC as a printed booklet by mail. This is another of those important consultations that 4x4 enthusiasts must get involved in or be left looking at our lands from a State Highway.
However the NZFWDA have scanned the supplied booklet and the basic document and map are available to download here. (Two appendix items have been left out to reduce the size.) If you want those 2 items, contact