
Freedom camping regulations

September 08, 2022

On 25 August 2022, the Government introduced the Self-Contained Motor Vehicles Amendment Bill to Parliament. This Bill seeks to improve the management of vehicle-based freedom camping by creating a robust regulatory system that central and local government can rely on to reduce the negative effects of freedom camping on communities and the environment. This includes establishing a new regulated system for the certification and registration of self-contained vehicles. The Bill is currently being considered by the Economic Development, Science and Innovation Select Committee. 

More information about the Bill is available on our Freedom camping changes page:

Freedom camping changes

The Bill enables Government to make regulations that provide the technical detail for the freedom camping system.

Regulations are the detailed rules that are not written in the Bill. They include details like ‘how much a fine will be’ or ‘what technical requirements self-contained vehicles must meet’. The discussion document contains our (MBIE) proposals for new freedom camping regulations. Your feedback on the proposals in this document will be used to help the Government make its final decisions about the new freedom camping regulations.

Submissions close   5pm Thursday, 6 October 2022.

We want to know your views on the best way to regulate the following aspects of freedom camping:

  • the technical requirements for self-contained vehicles
  • the criteria for approval as a self-containment certification authority
  • the format of the self-containment certificate and warrant
  • the fees and fines attached to each infringement offence
  • exemptions from the need to be certified as self-contained
  • levies and fees to cover the costs of providing regulatory oversight 

This article was posted by Peter Vahry in News (1559 reads)