
Watch Out For - Collision Avoidance Systems

July 21, 2021

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While on the subject of modern vehicle systems and how modifications may affect them we need to consider collision avoidance systems (may also be referred to as ADAS - Advanced Driver Assistance System). Late-model vehicles with collision avoidance systems can have a number of functions such as:
  • FCW - Forward Collision Warning
  • AEB - Autonomous Emergency Braking (can also include pedestrian detection)
  • LDW - Lane Departure Warning
  • LDP - Lane Departure Prevention
  • BSM - Blind Spot Monitering
Other functions that may be running off the same collision avoidance system:
  • Unintended mis-acceleration Control
  • Automatic lights/wipers
  • Adaptive cruise control
Collision avoidance systems utilise cameras, RADAR or LIDAR to identify objects around and in front of a vehicle. (LIDAR uses lasers rather than radio waves to 'detect and range' objects) By building a 'map' of the vehicle's surroundings and using data from the vehicle itself such as steering angle, brake pedal position, accelerator position, speed etc the collision avoidance system can assist the driver to  'avoid' collisions.

Why does this matter to us???? 

Lifting or lowering a vehicle equipped with collision avoidance systems may affect the calibration of the system and may prevent it from working as intended. This is an issue that will become more prevalent as time goes on and the fleet changes to more modern vehicles, in the USA SEMA is already working towards solutions with the industry as they also recognise it as a potential issue.

The addition of external projections or the modification of bumpers/grilles may have unintended consequences as the cameras and/or sensors for collision avoidance systems are in the windscreen and/or the bumper/grille.
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With the number of areas covered by a collision avoidance system, there needs to be careful consideration as to the potential effects of any changes.

From the LVV Code:

2.3(2) Subject to 2.3(3), a modified vehicle must be LVV certified only if there is adequate assurance that the modifications:
  • (a) have not compromised the safe operation of the vehicle; and
  • (b) are designed and constructed using materials and components that are fit for the purpose; and
  • (c) have not compromised the vehicle’s continued compliance with all other applicable safety-related legal requirements prescribed by New Zealand land 
  • transport legislation; and
  • (d) in the case of a vehicle which has been modified whilst registered, including a scratch-built vehicle, there is adequate assurance that the vehicle as a 
  • whole complies with all other applicable safety-related legal requirements prescribed by New Zealand land transport legislation.

LVVTA current advice is that as we cannot confirm that all the requirements of 2.3(2) are met, these vehicles should not have any changes that may affect the operation
of the collision avoidance system.

This article was posted by Peter Vahry in News | General news (1404 reads)