
Preliminary Notice - NZFWDA 2020 AGM

September 07, 2020

On 13 August the NZFWDA Secretary emailed the following message to the registered addresses of Club Secretaries. The attachments are not included here on the website, please contact the National Secretary if you require a copy.

Thank you to all the clubs that responded with their preferences for the AGM this year.

The consensus was for a face to face meeting in Auckland, however, with Covid-19, most hotels in Auckland are committed as isolation facilities until at least December this year.

The Executive have taken this in to consideration and decided that we will have an Electronic AGM on 7th November. This will be a shortened format to take care of the matters that need annual input from our members.

The Notice of AGM will be sent out by October 10th to give members the 28 days notice of AGM required in the Constitution. This will include the Agenda detailing the matters to be discussed.

I have attached a copy of the Final Annual Accounts for the 2018/2019 financial year with the corrections requested at the last AGM.

Also attached is a copy of the Annual Accounts for the 9 months, April 2019 to December 2019 for approval at the coming AGM. As agreed in the Remits for last year, the Associations Financial Year will be January to December each year, while the membership year remains at June to May each year.

Stay safe and be kind


Kath Jaggard

National Secretary 

This article was posted by Grant Purdie in General news (2671 reads)