
Our first official sample document is available - a Club Safety Policy

April 02, 2020

In response to requests from affiliated clubs and as resolved at the 2017 Annual General Meeting, the National Executive has been working to develop H&S resources for clubs.

We published the NZFWDA Health and Safety Policy and Guidelines in December 2018 as the result of a long and difficult project. In that document, we referred to our aim to provide sample documents and forms in an online library.

The first of the sample documents that has now been produced and approved by the National Exec is a sample Club Safety Policy. We don't have our online library yet, so it is being published through our news channel in the meantime. Other documents are being worked on and will be published once ready and approved.

The sample Club Safety Policy is freely available for download by affiliated clubs. Not every club will want to use this, they may already have a Safety Policy that they are quite happy with.

Our expectation is that an affiliated club's committee would make a formal resolution to adopt the sample policy on behalf of their club, or not, or to modify it to suit their own requirements before formally adopting it.

We do have a disclaimer concerning the adoption or adaption of the sample document. This will be published shortly and centers around the need for a club committee to make a formal decision to use the document or an amended version that they approve.

Anyone is welcome to download and use our sample documents, subject to the same disclaimer.

This article was posted by Grant Purdie (1565 reads)