
Maratoto opened for four wheeling for the summer from 20 December 2019

December 07, 2019

Following discussions with the Department of Conservation (DoC) and with their agreement, initial maintenance work on the Maratoto track has been carried out
Please respect the track and stick to it (some bits are closed at DoC’s request). Make sure that your vehicles and footwear are clean before going in (to reduce the risk of Kauri dieback) and don’t forget the track levy which helps fund work on the track… direct payment can be made to the NZFWDA Maratoto account at 02 0400 0217 946 001 Include a reference name please.

NZFWDA northern zone president John Hickey stated  " I am pleased to announce that DoC has now agreed that Maratoto can be opened for four wheeling for the summer from 20 December 2019. (Steve & Ces tell me that some vegetation trimming may be needed. (I understand Thames club may organise some trimming of vegetation (no chainsaws and no sharp points to be caused by trimming…)) .Thanks to everyone who has helped – DoC‘s Peter French, Bill Horgan & Leanne Irvine and especially Steve & Ces."

This article was posted by Peter Vahry in Land access | General news (1828 reads)