

November 12, 2016

The Department of Conservation is developing a five-year Recreation Strategy for the Conservation Park.

  The strategy will ensure the Kaimai Forest Park is managed in agreement with the joint priorities of iwi, recreation users, local community and DOC. The plan will also inform the upcoming Conservation Management Strategy (CMS) review in 2017.

  We are undertaking this survey as part of the consultation for the Kaimai-Mamaku Recreation Strategy. The survey link is provided below.

In it we are asking recreational user groups and other groups, organisations and businesses with an interest in recreational use of the park about:

·         your involvement with the area and its uses for recreation and tourism;

·         what the area means to you, what makes it special;

·         the activities you have undertaken there (or would like to);

·         the key sites or areas of the park for you;

·         any potential opportunities for enhancing the recreational opportunities available there.

We are keen to get your initial input through this survey consultation. We don't want to limit your responses, so most questions are general in nature and allow for open-ended responses.

If you have any questions about the overall project please contact Craig Summers at the Department of Conservation, Tauranga .  If you have any questions about doing this survey or want to discuss any of the questions please contact Gordon Cessford


This article was posted by Peter Vahry in General news | Land access (2980 reads)