Whirinaki Te Pua-a-Tane Conservation Park Management Plan
June 22, 2016
This is the first management plan for the park that provides for co-governance of the Park expressed through the joint approval of the Plan by Ngāti Whare and the Board. The park will continue to be managed as a Conservation Park by DOC on behalf of the people of New Zealand.
The draft was publicly notified on Wednesday 15 June 2016 in accordance with Section 23(1) of the Ngāti Whare Claims Settlement Act 2012 and you are invited to make a submission.
This is the best opportunity for you to have your say and influence how the park is managed in the future and we encourage your involvement.
Submissions close 16 August 2016
DOC Senior Community Ranger, Mike Jones said the draft document has been developed in a collaborative manner with Ngāti Whare. It uses a lot of Māori vocabulary and values such as kaitiakitanga (guardianship) and mauri (life force) to shape the aspirations and outcomes for Whirinaki Te Pua-a-Tāne.
"It has been a very special process to be part of. Local DOC staff have gained a new appreciation for this special forest, talking and working alongside kaumatua (elders) of Ngāti Whare about the special places in Whirinaki.
"If Whirinaki is important to you, make sure you read the draft management plan, get involved and make a submission" said Mr Jones.
Whirinaki Te Pua-a-Tāne Conservation Park was created in 1984 and was the site of numerous protests associated with attempts to stop native logging of indigenous forests in New Zealand during the 1970s and 1980s. Today it covers 65,000 hectares, is a strong-hold of whio (blue duck), north island brown kiwi, short and long-tailed bats and supports many recreational opportunities including mountain biking, short to multi-day walks, hunting and camping experiences.