
Auckland CMS consultation closing... get involved quickly!

May 05, 2011


The CMS review process will include two stages of consultation.  The first being pre-draft consultation, which is when we gather and discuss information and ideas which are used to prepare the draft CMS. This will take place between April and the middle of July 2011.  The second opportunity will be the formal submission stage where the draft CMS is publicly notified and this is planned to take place during February-March 2012.

We will do our best to keep you informed and advised on what's going on during this process.


On our website you will find information about the Auckland CMS review including how you can have your say about the places, conservation and recreation values that matter to you.

This process will be the same as Northland's, check out that on this NZFWDA website too

This article was posted by Peter Vahry in Land access | General news (3317 reads)