
Defining the value of legal roads .... a video

February 18, 2010

Addressing a forum convened in Wanaka by the Walking Access Commission, Bruce Mason was given 10 minutes to address the issue of what are the appropriate mechanisms to honour the Commission's purpose of "achieving free, certain, enduring, and practical walking access to the outdoors." 

In a numerical ranking of different access mechanisms, public roads came out the winner, by a long mile. Whereas the Commission's preference for easements over private land, are next to worthless — they cannot be taken seriously for securing public access.

The address was in the form of a DVD movie prepared especially for the occasion. It was well received from the floor, including from farming representatives. I did however hear doubts from a couple of the Commission members — a case of seeing difficulties where none exist. It remains to be seen whether any changes occur to the Commission's National Strategy, and more importantly, in their outlook. 

You are invited to view this on YouTube, and to make up your own mind.

'Achieving Certain Access' is now on YouTube as two parts. You can access this by either:

... Or via the RANZ website:

Ultimately, it will only be public pressure that will persuade the Commission to alter its approach.

How about letting the Commission know your views? well as myself

This article was posted by Peter Vahry in General news | Land access (4055 reads)