
United 4WD supporters

Individuals and business supporting the NZFWDA


Secretary :

United 4WD (U4WD) is a part of the New Zealand Four Wheel Drive Association Inc (NZFWDA), providing those 4WD enthusiasts who are not members of affiliated clubs, the opportunity to support the Association in its efforts to promote recreational four wheeling throughout the country.

Being able to demonstrate that our recreation has significant numbers of New Zealanders involved and in support, is vital to achieving recognition by politicians and bureaucrats.

As a voluntary body, the NZFWDA is working towards greater acceptance of 4WD recreation by Government, the Department of Conservation and other public agencies. Regional Councils are slowly recognising the need for accommodating the increasing numbers of 4WDs in their recreation planning and the Association is working with several of them to improve four wheel driving opportunities.

With the increasing influence of "Green" lobby groups, there is the need of a balancing viewpoint from Off-Highway Vehicle (OHV) recreation enthusiasts. With your valued support, the NZFWDA will be better placed to provide that representation for the 4WD sector.

As a supporter you get the opportunity to attend the NZFWDA annual conference and participate in benefits such as insurance offers etc, arranged from time to time for Association members, including some special events. You also receive the newsletter 'Trail Torque'. Competing in the National Trials Series requires full affiliated club membership.

Your support, through United 4WD, is vital to our recreation and may be the only way in the future for your children and yourself to have an alternative to merely walking, in order to visit those many parts of our magnificent country where there are existing roads and trails.

Commercial involvement is welcomed through U4WD and For a business, the annual fee is $200+GST with organisation details sent to who will advise the bank account for payment.

We look forward to the support of all NZ four wheelers in our endeavours to promote 4WD recreation. The annual registration fee for an individual is $50.00 (inc. GST) and should be forwarded, along with your name and address (including e-mail address)

How to affiliate

Information on becoming a NZFWDA affiliated club including a list of requirements for affiliated clubs can be found in the membership area.

United 4WD

Providing 4wd enthusiasts who are not members of affiliated clubs, the opportunity to support the NZFWDA in its efforts to promote recreational 4wding. Read more