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Twin City 4x4 Club Winch Challenge 2018

Peter Vahry

April 12, 2018 10:09:43 PM

WINCH CHALLENGE 2018 hosted by the Twin City 4x4 Club over 25/26/27 May

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Transport Wholesale Ltd - PAIRS EVENT

Bobbie Kincaid

September 28, 2017 7:44:15 PM

Come along and see the thrills and action of four wheel driving! It's going to be one action packed day with thrills, spills and rolls of some of the best 4x4 drivers in New Zealand! Hosted by: Mt Egmont 4WD Club. Where: 202 Mangaone Road, Waitui, TARANAKI. 9am Start $10 Adults $5 Children

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Tararua Winch Challenge

Bobbie Kincaid

May 31, 2017 12:56:22 PM

Hosted by the Tararua 4WD Club at Turakina, starting at 9am on Saturday with two night stages that night and will finish at around midday on Sunday. There will be 3 Classes (Club, Challenge and Modified) and the classification will be based on a combination of 4x4 Challenges NZ Inc rules and Mainland Winch Challenge rules to encourage SI entrants. The Event rules will be based upon the 4x4 Challenges NZ Inc rules. The event will be limited to 20 entrants at this stage and will not be open to the public. The intention is to make scrutineering largely self-monitored as used in Rally NZ and WRC with a check list issued with the entry form and then full scrutineering done on a small random selection of vehicles. There is good camping on site with toilet and shower facilities and truck wash. For further information and entry form contact Chris