Events calendar categories or NZFWDA and other 4wd related meetings and conferences

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4x4 National Park

Peter Vahry

February 04, 2010 11:49:19 AM

A socially inclined 4x4 weekend with local trips on the Sat and Sun. More details available on the NZFWDA forum

Note: when you create a new publication type, the articles module will automatically use the templates user-display-[publicationtype].xd and user-summary-[publicationtype].xd. If those templates do not exist when you try to preview or display a new article, you'll get this warning :-) Please place your own templates in themes/yourtheme/modules/articles . The templates will get the extension .xt there.

test event title from article

Website admin

May 02, 2008 11:35:00 AM

summary goes here like so

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